• User Benefits

    Property Owner
    Property Buyer
    Product Seller (Store)
    Product Buyer
    Store Collaborator
    Product Shipper
    Real estate Agent
    Real estate Developer
    Handyman or technician
    Finishing Company
    Area Franchise owner
    Country Franchise owner
    Affiliate marketer
    Job seeker
    Community member
    Trainer or Instructor
    Academy student
    Office Partners
    Office Partners

Support Policy

Support Policy for Kemetro:

Welcome to Kemetro's Support Policy!
At Kemetro, a brand of Kemedar Corporation, we strive to provide exceptional customer support to ensure a seamless and satisfying shopping experience on our dedicated multi-seller marketplace. We offer a wide range of construction products, architectural items, masonry materials, plumbing fixtures, lighting and electrical products, furniture, and decorative items, all conveniently available in one place. With thousands of sellers offering exclusive offers and a diverse selection of finishing products, we are committed to assisting our customers in finding the best prices and achieving their desired satisfaction.
Our Support Commitment:
1. Prompt and Responsive Assistance:
  - We understand the importance of timely support. Our dedicated support team is available to assist you with any inquiries, concerns, or issues you may encounter during your shopping journey on Kemetro. We aim to provide prompt and responsive assistance to ensure your questions are addressed efficiently.
2. Comprehensive Product Knowledge:
   - Our support team is trained extensively on the products available on our platform. We strive to have a comprehensive understanding of the construction and finishing industry, allowing us to provide accurate and helpful information to assist you in making informed purchasing decisions.
3. Assistance with Order Placement:
   - Should you require any guidance or encounter difficulties while placing an order, our support team is ready to assist you. We can provide step-by-step instructions, help navigate the platform, and address any technical issues you may experience.
4. Order Tracking and Delivery Updates:
   - We recognize the importance of tracking your orders and staying informed about their delivery status. Our support team can provide you with updates on your orders, including tracking information and estimated delivery times, ensuring you have the information you need to plan accordingly.
5. Resolution of Issues and Disputes:
   - In the event of any issues or disputes regarding your order, our support team will work diligently to find a satisfactory resolution. We will investigate the matter thoroughly, liaise with sellers if necessary, and strive to reach a fair and timely resolution that meets your expectations.
6. Assistance with Returns and Refunds:
   - If you need to initiate a return or request a refund, our support team will guide you through the process. We will provide clear instructions on how to return the product and assist you in resolving any related concerns.
Contacting Kemetro Support:
To access our support services, you can:
1. Visit our website and navigate to the "Support" or "Contact Us" section to find our support contact information.
2. Reach out to our support team via email or phone, as specified on our website.
3. Utilize the live chat feature available on our website to connect with a support representative in real-time.
When contacting us for support, please provide relevant details regarding your inquiry or issue, such as order numbers, product information, and a clear description of the matter at hand. This will enable our support team to assist you more efficiently.
Please note that our support team operates during specified hours, and response times may vary depending on the volume of inquiries received. We appreciate your patience and assure you that we will make every effort to address your concerns in a timely manner.
Thank you for choosing Kemetro as your trusted marketplace for all your home building and finishing needs. We are committed to providing exceptional support and ensuring your satisfaction throughout your shopping experience.